The expression "Conceptually Incompentent" may seem harsh when describing those who devote their working hours to imparting knowledge to the next generation.  This web author did not easily adopt that estimate.

The following links will provide corroboration to my position.

The Ayn Rand Institute -- from this page, select "Op-Eds," then select from among dozens of articles.  Recommended for those researching education are these articles:

Philosophy: Who Needs It? -- This weekly talk-radio program on philosophic topics occasionally does programs on education. Check show topics to see if one is coming up on the next program (which you may hear from the site or over the air).  Check the 24-hour-a-day sound clips to see if the current group includes some on modern education.
            Excerpts on education may be listed as "Pod People Bulletins," after the nonhuman life forms in the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" movies.  The clips, delivered by the host, are the wisdom of a world-renowned lecturer who taught college for 17 years.)

Second Renaissance Books site -- Once there,
    select "Catalogue," then
    select "View Subject Categories For Online Catalogue," then
    select "Education."
You'll find (by clicking on the titles of the books) lengthy review-type descriptions of books provide much documentation from the books without the reader having to acquire the book unless he has an extensive need or desire for the full story.  (The name of this bookseller expresses its basic premise: that were society were to become overwhelmingly influenced by the right ideas, it would bring about a new Renaissance, a time of rationality, peace, respect for achievement)

The Underground Grammarian -- a substantial number of articles, some complete books, and more links, all devoted to the state of education and to correctives.

"Our Schools Breed Teen Violence" by Glenn Woiceshyn

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